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How a Global Top 50 Bank Secured Its GDPR Obligations Using Ascent

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Case Study

A Global Top 50 Bank sought to identify its obligations under the Genderal Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) within one of its business units.

Our Customer at a Glance

  • $20B Annual Revenue
  • 30,000 Employees
  • 1,000+ Locations Worldwide
  • 300+ Regulating Bodies to Comply With

The Problem

Our customer faced the following hurdles:

  • Needed help determining which parts of GDPR were required for the business.
  • Initially hired a consulting firm to produce its GDPR requirements, but the firm missed a number of obligations.
  • Forced to hire a second consulting firm to correct initial mistakes, creating duplicative costs.
  • Ultimately dissatisfied with the rigamarole of multiple consultancies, missed obligations, and ongoing regulatory uncertainty.

Partnering with Ascent

Frustrated with their journey so far, the Bank partnered with Ascent, an AI-powered compliance automation solution. Ascent generates the obligations that apply to the customer, helping banks and other financial firms reduce risk and gain confidence in their compliance programs.

Using Ascent, the Bank was able to comprehensively identify its GDPR obligations at a fraction of the time and effort, kickstarting its path to compliance and better positioning the Bank to protect the privacy of its customers.

How the Global Bank Accelerated GDPR Compliance with Ascent

Before Ascent:

  • Hundreds of thousands of dollars in ongoing consulting fees
  • Countless hours and headaches, only to produce an incomplete register of GDPR obligations
  • Increased regulatory risk and error

After Ascent:

  • A mere fraction of the cost (99% savings)
  • Took just minutes to produce a complete and verified register of GDPR obligations
  • Thorough and easy-to-read digital format, produced with significantly lower risk of human error

We’re here to make compliance easier.

The road to compliance can be confusing and complex. Ascent makes it simpler with an AI-driven solution that generates the obligations that are relevant to your business. Ascent allows you to:

  • Reduce the risk-prone and costly impact of human error and missed obligations
  • Review a much narrower set of obligations, fast-tracking the tedious and manual process of regulatory research and analysis
  • Save a significant amount of time and money while reducing your regulatory and reputational risk

Modern challenges require modern tools. Interested in seeing how Ascent can help you stay ahead of regulations like GDPR?

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How Ascent Helped a Global Top 50 Bank Wrestle the BEAR

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Case Study

A Global Top 50 Bank identified the need to more proactively and appropriately respond to regulatory change. Their objective was seen as especially crucial in light of today’s climate of heightened personal responsibility ushered in by recent developments such as the Banking Executive Accountability Regime (BEAR) in Australia and the Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SM&CR) in the UK.

Our Customer at a Glance

  • $20B Annual Revenue
  • 30,000 Employees
  • 1,000+ Locations Worldwide
  • 300+ Regulating Bodies to Comply With

The Problem

Our customer sought a technology solution to address the following challenges:

  • Rising volume of regulatory change, which is impossible to track manually.
  • Challenges with understanding their entire regulatory landscape, including international and domestic requirements.
  • Lack of internal visibility and traceability throughout the regulatory change management process.

These challenges led to missed rule changes and regulatory infractions.

Partnering with Ascent

The Global Bank initiated a project with Ascent to help reduce the highly manual (and inherently risky) effort of regulatory intake and analysis, as well as to provide more visibility into how regulatory changes are tracked, reviewed, and applied to the business.

The Results

Significant Reduction of Manual Effort. Ascent automatically provides a feed of regulatory changes, eliminating the need to scour regulator websites and other sources.

— Improved Accuracy in Pinpointing Relevant Requirements. Ascent dynamically generates the list of all relevant regulatory changes according to our customer’s specific products and markets.

— Greater Visibility and Traceability. Our customer is able to view relevant changes, track the transfer of the change between departments, and facilitate review of the change by team members. This capability allows the Bank to effectively identify, triage, and track changes.

We help you comply with confidence.

Modern challenges require modern tools. Interested in seeing how Ascent can help you stay ahead of regulations like BEAR around the world?

Contact Us